Friday, May 20, 2011

Fwd: DISQUALIFIED JUDGE named by Chief Justice as Substitute Presiding Judge of Winchester Grand Jury for much needed Special Grand Jury

Found that this near 4 year old post of 20 May A.D. 2011 never was posted, was put in "Drafts" folder, I guess because the attachment did not appear.

"Benny Boy" Bow-tied Kendrick, retired judge, was named as the sub-judge by the Chief Justice, Cynthia Kinser, probably who did not know, and was not told by Benny Boy that he had previously admitted verbally in the Courtroom his bias against James Renwick Manship, that was the basis for a Civil Rights Violation lawsuit in Alexandria Federal District Court, which forced Kendrick and his three Circuit Court colleagues all to sign an "ORDER OF DISQUALIFICATION".

This action by the Virginia supreme Court was after I filed a Motion for Recusal (by "Hitler" Judge Jay Wetsel of Winchester) and a Petition for Rehearing of the Grand Jury (after Wetsel did GRAND JURY TAMPERING because he wrote and gave the Grand Jurors a "Supplemental Grand Jury Instructions" that included both FALSE and MISLEADING information.)

Begin forwarded message:

From: States Manship <>
Date: May 20, 2011 10:21:20 PM EDT

Subject: DISQUALIFIED JUDGE named by Chief Justice as Substitute Presiding Judge of Winchester Grand Jury for much needed Special Grand Jury

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