Any letter seeking a pardon from the governor would have to go to the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, according to Kaine spokesman Gordon Hickey. Earlier this week, Hickey said the office had not received the letter.
OK, so here is the letter to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, hand delivered to the 4th Floor reception area in the Patrick Henry Building, into the hand of Mrs. Patricia Tucker at about 3:20 pm, on Tuesday, 9 September 2008.
Mrs. Tucker said she no longer handles pardons, that Gregg Hennock (?sp) handles them now.
Reporter Manship said, "Oh I recognize that name, it was on your voice mail message when I called the phone number from the website. I called you and called him, last Friday, but I have not received a call-back from either of you... yet."
Reporter Manship also said, "Please give this copy to Mr. Hennock, and this copy to Secretary of the Commonwealth Katherine Hanley, and this copy I will deliver myself to the Governor's office. Thank you."