Horror Story ??
“Hate evil and Love the good.
Remodel your Courts into
True Halls of Justice.”
-- Amos 5:15
Bubble, Bubble,
Toil and Trouble!
-witch’s cackle
Cracked, Crazy,
Corrupt Courts!
-witch’s curse
What crime is brewing in the corrupt Courts of Winchester?
Day after Day of the “Living Dead”
Innocent Man Sent to Jail for 70 years
by a “Coerced Confession” forced “Alford Plea”!
Next day, 3-1-1995 Northern Virginia Daily
reports Thomson admits no scientific evidence.
Prosecutor Thomson did a “Media Circus”
defaming Washington as a “Gangster”,
yet who REALLY is the “Gangster”?
On 2-17-1999 Police Informant reports
Thomson “skimming money from drug dealers”.
In Court on 4-3-1995 Judge Wetsel compares
Washington to Adolf Hitler!
In Court on 4-10-1995 Judge Wetsel
sentences Innocent Man Jeff Washington
to 70 years in JAIL! Is that Judicial Bias?
Defense Counsel Prosser “sells out” his client.
Was Prosser “rewarded” with Judgeship
a mere 2 to 3 years later?
Meanwhile Prosecution Witness
and Gun Shot Residue Test likely Gunman
now on the streets.
In 2000, Governor James Gilmore, a former Commonwealth Attorney “prosecutor”,
Pardons Earl Washington, Jr. (Not asked to Pardon Jeff Washington when has power as Governor.)
In 2002, Governor Mark Warner receives Letter about Injustice to Innocent Jeff Washington
yet fails to use Power of Governor to grant a Pardon to Jeffrey Franklin Washington.
In 2008, Governor Tim Kaine received letter and a very complete Pardon Petition package,
as yet Kaine has failed to grant a Pardon to Jeffrey Franklin Washington.
Today, and tomorrow,
this week and next,
call Governor Kaine
[(804) 786-2211]
continually until he does the “Right Act” &
Kaine Grants an
Absolute Pardon
Left: John Prosser, now judge for
over 11 YEARS!
(Left client “dangling in the wind”!)
(Traded Jury Acquittal for Judgeship?)
Center: Jeff Washington,
now innocent inmate
in jail for over 14 YEARS!
Right: Paul Thomson, now former
(wrong!) Commonwealth Attorney,
(very, defeated by 423 votes
very, in 2001 election, wise action
wrong!) of “We, the People”!
Photo Credit: Alan Lehman
Northern Virginia Daily