Time Line on Gun Shot Residue Tests letter requested by Commonwealth Attorney Alex Iden during meeting in his office on the morning of 8 October a.d. 2008.
...scribble a letter(or email) SADLY Governor Bob McDonnell never pardoned innocent inmate Army Veteran Jeff Washington while in office, now he is being sentenced to two years in prison, but rightly plans to Appeal.
Obama's DNC Chairman and "Civil Rights" lawyer Tim Kaine failed to do right while he was in the Governor's office, before being elected as one of Virginia's two United States Senators, the other Mark Warner, when Governor, also did not Pardon Jeff Washington, but I am not sure he was ever asked because the family naively believed the Court system would work properly and Jeff would receive a Writ of Habeas Corpus, a "Get Out of Jail" card, so to speak.
NOTICE...please! Compiler of this website, or blog, has taken computer screen shots such as the above "Set Jeff Washington Free" masthead from a website, as well as "copy and paste" of information from newspaper articles and other websites. There are spelling errors noticed, other errors are possible.
However, what is also clear is there are errors in the Court process and violation of a Citizen'sRight to Due Process.
Looking at the list of "irregularities" would a prosecution case be the required "beyond a reasonable doubt"??
Adolf Hitler comparison - "Judge" Wetsel
Does such a verbal outburst reveal bias? We have the Court Transcript that PROVES "Hitler" judge Wetsel compared Washington to Hitler!
Sadly this faithful father Franklin DIED on 26 September 2014 before ever seeing his son Free.
Write Governor McAuliffe TODAY with Your Petition for Pardon of J. Washington
Forensic Misconduct by Winchester Police
Police Detective Sobonya with Prosecutor Thomson "framed" Washington, then did a "Deal" with Defense Attorney to FORCE an Alford Plea [CLICK to see Larger Image]
Pardon Cover Page Index of Supporting Documents
What more is needed? Why continue to delay decision?
"Behind the Back" Deal COERCES an Alford Plea
Who are the true Criminals in this photo?
Notch in the Gun Trumps Service to Justice!
GANG BANG: Rape of Virginia's Lady Justice...by Bench, Bar, and Badge Bullies
click on link to buy book from Lulu.com
Prison-Industrial Complex (with kickbacks!)
The Atlantic, investigative reporter Eric Schlosser